Music Bingo Night
Music Bingo Night. Free Entry. From 7PM
Music Bingo Night. Free Entry. From 7PM
Fight off the Sunday Sads with some live music at The Howdy! Live bands, dups and solo artists live from 1 to 5pm Every Sunday.
Strippers, Topless Barmaid, 7-9pm. T-Bone Steak night.
Music Bingo Night. Free Entry. From 7PM
Fight off the Sunday Sads with some live music at The Howdy! Live bands, dups and solo artists live from 1 to 5pm Every Sunday.
Bring in the new year at The Howdy. New Years Eve party with Rock'n'Roll, Blues & Swing legends - The Candy Express. Live music from 8pm till midnight!
Strippers, Topless Barmaid, 7-9pm. T-Bone Steak night.
Music Bingo Night. Free Entry. From 7PM
Saturday Members Arvo Drinks for Social Club members. First Saturday of every month. ALL WELCOME 2x $50 vouchers to give away 1st one drawn 6pm, 2nd drawn 8pm. Pizzas from […]